Palazzo Stella, in Crespellano, owes its name to Count Stella who purchased it in the 1700s as it is an original building from the 1500s.
The palace is included in a farm and is surrounded by a romantic park. In the park there are also several structures such as a chapel, a stable and an icehouse. The villa externally has an elegant porch, while inside the rooms develop laterally than two passing loggias. Both the loggias and the various rooms have painted ceilings. Among the illustrious guests of the villa, mention should be made of Princess Carlotta Bonaparte, Napoleon's grandson.
Today Palazzo Stella hosts private events, weddings and cultural events.
For more information, you can visit the website:
Palazzo Stella
Via Cassola 14
40056 Valsamoggia
Distance from Bologna <30km
Telephone: +39 333 4417356
- Art & Culture
For information about tours of Palazzo Stella call: +39 333 4417356