St. Stefano
Exhibition Market to be held in Bologna on May 17, 18, 19 that aims to promote the projects of the Foundation Pio Istituto delle Sordomute Povere, member of Consulta tra Antiche Istituzioni Bolognesi..
In a very charming atmosphere, within the historic center of Bologna, in one of the most beautiful green spaces in the city, Peonia in Bloom will open its doors to the public presenting as usual, in addition to other initiatives - workshops and conferences - highly selected exhibitors of high craftsmanship, coming from all over Italy.
There will be a large group of exhibitors with bijoux, clothing, illustrations, vintage items, objects, furnishing accessories for the home - garden and much more.
Of course, peonies, the symbolic flowers of our event.
The event is sponsored by the Quartiere Santo Stefano, FAI Delegazione di Bologna and by il Resto del Carlino, with the support of Consulta tra Antiche Istituzioni Bolognesi and in collaboration with the Camilla Malvasia Garden Club.
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Peonia in Bloom – Art and decoration in the ancient gardens
Via della Braina 11
40124 Bologna
Free entry.
Animals accepted
May 17 from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
May 18 and 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.